This is a paid package ! 1.99 $
2.28/5 (447 votes).
PrimeDeck - Control Your Appswitcher!
PrimeDeck is a highly customizable Tweak for your appswitcher, it has many options to design the appswitcher the way you like. On top of that, this tweak will be able to lock your apps cards from the appswitcher from being closed.
Core Functionality:
- Lock cards using swipe down
- Automatic cards lock when music is played. lock will be released when music is paused.
- Automatic cards lock when active call is being made from that app
- Disable lock button ending your calls
- You can lso choose apps that will be locked at launch, and blacklist apps you never want to get locked.
Design features:
- Appswitcher Customizations:
- Pick a font
- Change your app card title text size
- Change your app card title text color
- Add a background color to your app card title
- Enlarge or decrease the icon of your app card
- Blur application cards - for privacy when switching between apps
- Hide suggestions view in your appswitcher
- Add your custom background
- Lock Icon Customizations:
- Show lock icon only on locked apps
- Choose the size of your lock icon (big/small)
- Change the lock frame, main or icon color
- Choose the position of the lock icon
- Main View is a view that will be added below your apps cards. it has multiple actions such as:
- Change colors for all apsects of the main view (buttons, main view etc)
- Respring
- Lock all cards
- Unlock all cards
- Close all apps (you can choose not to close all locked apps as well)
- Change its color, as well as the buttons color
- Release the switcher after closing all apps
- Lock device after closing all apps
You can always revert to default configurations using the "Restore to default" button in the tweak settings.
Support: Tested on iOS 14, 15, and 16. both rootful and rootless jailbreaks are supported.
if you have any issue, please reach out at my Twitter
My GitHub for more tweaks:
You can find a review for the tweak here:
Refund Policy:
I will refund you in cases you report an issue to me and I wont be able to fix that on reasonable time. dont forget, I am only human.
- Support for iOS 16
- Fixed a bug where springboard would crash if a call was answered/outgoing
540.37 KB
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